You know how you always think you’re smarter than every one else? Especially if you’re a caregiver. Mostly because you are reminded on a daily basis that you are at least thinking harder than most everyone you come in contact with.

And yet, there are those days, where you are reminded that even you, Superhuman Caregiver can be the dope.
When my friend was felled with a traumatic brain injury, her friends rallied around to make sure she went to all necessary doctor appointments. One does not traumatize the brain without adding things like, broken bones, sprains, strains, cuts, bruises and vision problems in with the mix. Driving yourself is out.
I really hate driving in the city. It used to scare me. Admittedly, once you’ve driven into and out of the big city a million times, you hate it for different reasons. But a traumatic brain injury and it’s accompaniments require big city, good hospitals.
I volunteered to be the driver, so long as another friend would go along for navigation, walking to the door, or whatever else would be required.
The first time we went, the directions led us to a parking lot a thousand miles away from the building we needed. The second time we went, we found the super secret parking lot right at the back door. The third time we went we couldn’t remember how to get to the super secret parking lot. The fourth time, well this is what happened.
We pre-planned so that we could once again find the super secret parking lot. When we got to the highway exit for the hospital, it was closed. We took the next exit and ended up about 52 blocks away from our destination. Undaunted, I drove down those numbered streets until we reached the magic number….34th Street. Whereupon we came upon a busted water main break flooding the entire block north, south, east and west.
Appointment time was getting ever closer, as we sat in snarled traffic wondering what to do, I concocted a brilliant idea.
“Get out!” I said to my injured friend and my trusty sidekick helper.
They just looked at me, like I was Noah kicking them out of the boat.
“No, seriously, get out and start walking. It’s only four blocks. I’ll park anywhere I can and find you, and then I’ll go get the car when we are done at the doctor.”
They hop out into six inches of fast flowing water and jump over as much of it as they can. Tonto, the sidekick holding on to the patient hoping against hope that she doesn’t fall over and drown both of them.
I sat there for another five minutes, traffic finally starts to break and I drive around in circles. Miraculously and quite by accident I ended up at the super secret parking lot.
When Tonto and the patient enter the lobby, drenched from the knees down, there I was comfortably and dryly, waiting for them.
Hard to believe they asked me to drive again.
“You just have to Laugh……”
Cathy Sikorski