For a good time, read…”Rats, Mice and Other Things You Can’t Take to the Bank.”

Doesn’t this look fun?! It is, but it is so much more. Join Leslie Handler in her journey of essays from a smitten young college student (I would love to hear so much more about her love story with Marty) to her journey through cancer, her willingness to walk a mile in your shoes, her true discovery to the key to incredible weight loss, and her wish to enter the elusive heaven of menopause (yep…she wants it, she wants it bad)!

Leslie keeps you smiling, laughing, crying, astounded and astonished with her stories of seemingly every-day-life. But is it? Is this your life or mine? Well if it is, everyone should write a book because the jaunt of Leslie’s life is remarkable.

I started to write about which chapters are my favorite, and when I went back through the book, that I literally just finished reading, I started reading each chapter all over again. I can’t pick a favorite. But what I can tell you is that Leslie’s honesty will roundhouse you like a 2×4, sometimes in a fun way and sometimes in a Jewish Bubbie’s , “What? You think only you have all the fakakta problems?”

A perfect book to give as a gift, take on a plane ride, a beach, or put in the bathroom. Leslie would be okay with that, I’m sure. It’s honest and heartfelt, just like her and her book.

Full disclosure, Leslie and I share an extraordinary Publisher, Donna Cavanagh and HumorOutcasts Press. We thank our lucky stars…we both say so in our books!

Just go click on this and order:


3 thoughts on “For a good time, read…”Rats, Mice and Other Things You Can’t Take to the Bank.”

    1. Thanks for your ‘amen’, Molly. Would love to spend a weekend with you and Leslie and Donna one day. Wouldn’t that be fun?

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