I miss you all! But it was for wonderful reasons, at first, that I haven’t been here for 2 months. I was speaking in so many great places. The opportunity to speak out about getting prepared, keeping those caregiving demons away as best one can has been the gift of my mid-life life!
And then….here I am again…………..as a caregiver! Just as my tour of duty ended with dozens of speaking engagements in the fall, I took a lovely trip to visit my daughter abroad, and my husband took a terrible trip on the bleachers! Surgery and at least six weeks in a leg brace!
Oh how it comes flooding back, right?
Wait, what? I need to take an extra hour for getting someone else dressed and ready? I have to watch my phone like the Bat Signal might appear in case I get a text from the bedroom? Oh crap, I forgot to give him his phone, and now I’m at the pharmacy getting his meds AND my meds. It’s been three years since I’ve been in these caregiving shoes, and although one never forgets, it sure as hell is like getting back on that rusty, old Shwinn that you never wanted to ride again.
Can you get me some ice for my leg?
So a special thanks and prayer of gratitude to all of you who have supported me here, online, in person, at events, book signings, on Facebook and Twitter. I love you all so much. And all of us are working so hard to make caregiving easier….seems like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? Merry Christmas and the best in 2019. I’ll try better to stay in touch and like I always told my dear, darling mother-in-law, “the phone goes both ways…” Don’t ever be afraid to reach out!
“You Just have to Laugh….and have a Wonderful Holiday Season!